Hi there. I'm currently a Painting and Drawing major at the University of Washington. Lately, when I'm done with a new drawing or painting, I take a picture so I can e-mail it to a few people. I thought this might be an easier way to share, so here we go.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rachel and Robert - color study and painting in progress

looks a tad chaotic. it IS a tad chaotic.
composition drawn out on canvas with charcoal. This'll be a fun one.

master copy in progress - Susanna Coffey -- "Flag"

i know it looks pretty creepy. but i'm doing the darker parts first. then the lighter parts. it will still look creepy when i'm done, though, probably.

Larry - finished 11/13/2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Drawing 01/23/2012

The first part of the assignment was to take a piece of paper (newsprint, newspaper, or heavier paper like BFK) and disassemble it somehow, then, using a single type of connecting tool/implement, reassemble it into something else (2D or 3D). I had a lot of fun just playing with the paper, and ultimately, I came up with this:
my connecting tool/implement was a needle and thread. also, I like triangles. apparently. The second part of the assignment: Draw a picture of the first part. Here we go:
pen and ink. And needle and thread.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Drawing from painting class - 01/05/2011

professor had us draw a room. not the one we were all sitting in, but one from our memory. surprisingly challenging to remember all the little details (some of which are quite wrong, but some of which are quite right).